RMA IB has formed a partnership with CGU Insurance Limited (CGU); together we understand the land and have developed a simple solution for protecting the rma network and their customers.
As an rma network Member you will have access to competitively priced Crop Insurance Solution with enhanced coverage.
Referral Income from this Program will be re-directed back to your business.
RMA Insurance Brokers is also able to give you access to online quote & bind tools. This allows you to provide a quote to your clients immediately and bind cover if required. The on-line system also allows you to adjust and alter estimates during the policy period up to the final revision date..
To be part of this program you would need to complete an online training module to ensure you understand the process and covers available to customers. It is extremely important that only accredited people “Deal and Advise” in this product. This accreditation can only be obtained by completing our training modules and authorised by RMA Insurance Brokers.